Saturday, November 21, 2015

Arangetram update - more tips

FINALLY!!! Our Arangetram will be on JULY 9th 2016. Super excited, wait who am I kidding, am super scared. It seems like an unsurmountable mountain. We have 230 days to go at the time of this post. Not a whole lot of time if you think about it. Assuming we practice 1 hr each day that's only 230 hrs or 10 days of continuous practice.  That gives me the butterflies in my tummy. We were originally hoping for an August dates but due to theatre snafu, we have now moved to July 9th 2016.

We started learning our Varnam and are half way there. Game plan from now to July 9th. Goal is login 500 hrs of personal practice between now and july 9th. We can achieve this by dancing at least 1 hr everyday and by increasing to 2 hrs from january (gives us 190 additional hrs) and increase to 3+ hrs from May. Lofty goals. We'll see how it goes.

We also started meeting with our mentor Prasha from yesterday.
She gave us several important tips
1. Practice, Practice, Practice. Nothing will help you other than hitting the floor and hit that floor HARD.
2. Put a calendar in front of you where you can count down to your event and make sure you make every day in between count. Mark yourself off for every day that you practice. And do that in plain sight so it becomes your wall of shame.
3. Record yourself while dancing and watch it. This is what you are going to subject your audience to.  If it sucks, correct it and make it better. This will give you an "audience" view of your dance.
4. put markers on your dance floor to help you with placement. mark the centre and corners. Also mark a point above your eye level so you can train to focus on that spot.
5. improve your stamina by dancing your jathis back to back to back. Prepare a CD with all jathis together and all sancharis together and start dancing.
6. Start writing notes. Video taping aunty is optional but writing down stuff is not. It really helps to create a mental map of the steps. Once we start learning more and more pieces, the notes will become a reminder.

More later.

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